Beyond Heaven And Hell


La Puerta Beyond HvN&Hll
1000 Caracteres
My Graveyard...
Game Over

American McGee´s Alice, es, por mucho, un concepto bastante complejo para muchas mentes. Mi tributo es, pues, solo la simple adoración para con esta ideología, este complemento para gustos mucho más maduros, capaces de aceptar el hecho de que el mundo no es del todo un lugar feliz, un lugar que vale la pena como para creer que es maravilloso, y en el que todo puede tornarse en cálidos pensamientos de bondad y paz... No. En verdad, no lo es.

Alice, la dulce niña confundida con sed de aprender, conocer y regresar... ha crecido, y, ahora, es un poco más... Real.

...kRaD RaeTshaiAm...

Or... Malice...? Who Knows...

- What´s Wrong, Alice?
- My parents are... gone...
- What is it Wrong, Alice?
- Something´s... Broken...
- Whats´s Broken, Alice?
- ...I Am...
Beyond the shattering glasses...
...Fairytale becomes Nightmare.
...Imagination becomes Madness...
...Toys becomes Weapons...
...Friend becomes Foe...
   And Time is Running Out...
Alice Grew up...---...So did Wonderland...
...You are Mad...!
...We all are Mad here...

Alice: "I'm sorry, but how can possibly pay attention to a book with no pictures in it?"

Alice: "Nonsense. That's it, Dina! If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise, what it is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?"

Mad Hatter: "Oh, your watch is two days slow! Ah! Here's the problem, it's got all of these wheels in it!"

Alice: "It would be nice if things made sense for a change."

Alice: "If you drink too much from a bottle marked 'poison', it's almost certain to disagree with you sooner or later."

Alice: "I give myself very good advice, but very seldom follow it."

Walrus and Carpenter: "The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things. Of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings! And why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings. Kaloo, kaleh! We'll eat today! Like cabbages and kings!"

Alice: "It must be something terribly important. Like a party or something!"








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Ahora que el mundo puede tornarce de un multicolor que no se ha visto antes... y que no se aprecia comunmente: Francomero Perecedero de Ilusiones(between heaven and hell), un sitio de matices multiples que no marcan un entorno diferente, pero que hablan con un sentimiento que todo mueve. Otra vieja conocida que la realidad revuelve.

...The Worst Foe Lies Within The Self...

...As the Purest Spirit Isn´t Within...
kRad RaetsHaiam